How To Speed Up Your Site Using Plugins

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Information About Cache & Minification/Combination

Caching and Minification is important in any website. Whenever a user visits your site, a lot of information is requested, such as images, styling, as well as retrieving your content from the WordPress database. These factors, plus the amount of visitors you have, can significantly affect your site’s total page loading time. Caching plugins help reduce this by showing your viewers a static version of your site.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These settings are not a one size fits all. The plugins listed below interacts differently with each server, and each situation can be different. Contact your host as well because they may have specific caching rules on their servers.

Recommended Cache Plugins

Below is a list of our recommended cache plugins to optimize your sites speed. These plugins have been tested with Bizdrone, and we find that they work well with the theme. However, please note that these plugins interact differently with different server setups. We also do not provide support for any issues caused by third party plugins.

W3 Total Cache, Autoptimize, BWP Minify, WP Rocket, , LiteSpeed Cache,and WP Super Cache.

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